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The PMP Engine Start Module

Uses a hybrid solution of ultra - capacitors and auxiliary batteries for optimum starting performance and life.


Designed by PMP, for sturdiness, reliability, and safety for applications in the mining industry.

ESM - QUAD_Supercapacitor asegura arranques seguros y eficientes al entregar la RPM correcta al motor partidor, independientemente de la temperatura. Extiende la vida útil de baterías y motores, reduce costos, mejora la productividad y contribuye a la seguridad y sostenibilidad. solución Plug & Play, no requiere arranques asistidos y puede almacenarse descargado de forma segura. Es una alternativa eficiente a las baterias
El ESM Supercapacitor asegura arranques seguros y eficientes al entregar la RPM correcta al motor partidor, independientemente de la temperatura. Extiende la vida útil de baterías y motores, reduce costos, mejora la productividad y contribuye a la seguridad y sostenibilidad. Además, es una solución Plug & Play, no requiere arranques asistidos y puede almacenarse descargado de forma segura. Es una alternativa eficiente a las baterias

Why choose PMP ESM ?


Discover the technology powering the ESM from Skeleton Technologies.
Made in Germany, the ultra-capacitors deliver reliable starting and exceptional performance in mining equipment.



Designed to integrate with existing battery systems, the ESM can be customised to your site requirements and environmental conditions.





Dump trucks Water carriers Drill rigs Excavators Front-end loaders Motor graders Drainage Pumps 
Other Diesel equipment






Plug & Play

Designed for all HME. Integrates to existing battery location or custom designed.


Safety First

With a sealed cranking circuit and safe discharging, the PMP ESM sets a new safety benchmark.



Starts Every Time

The PMP ESM has exceptional life, ensuring operations continue seamlessly.


Local Support & Training

PMP provides local training and support 24/7. From design and installation to optimization, we offer comprehensive local backup and training.

Lightweight & Environmentally Friendly

  • Save up to 200 kg.

  • The PMP ESM significantly reduces emissions and waste.

SkelStart is the most powerful engine start module on the market, and it is backed by Skeleton Technologies' commitment to quality and performance. When you need reliable engine starting, SkelStart is the only choice.webp
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